
港股异动 | 神威药业(02877)午后飙升逾7% 采纳新股息政策 自2022历年起每年派息四次

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Shenwei Pharmaceutical (02877) soared by more than 7% in the afternoon and adopted the new dividend policy four times a year since 2022.

金融界 ·  Jul 19, 2021 13:38

Original title: changes in Hong Kong stocks | Shenwei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (02877) soared by more than 7% in the afternoon to adopt a new dividend policy four times a year since calendar year 2022. Source: Zhitong Finance and Economics Network

Zhitong Financial APP learned that Shenwei Pharmaceutical (02877) announced that the company expects to declare and distribute a total dividend of 60 cents per share in the calendar year 2021. In addition, the Board has approved and adopted a new dividend policy with effect from July 19, 2021. The stock surged more than 7 per cent in the afternoon and rose 6.75 per cent to HK $9.80 as of press time, with a turnover of HK $46.3467 million.

According to the announcement, the new dividend policy is as follows: starting from the 2022 calendar year, the dividend paid in each calendar year will be increased by not less than one of the following, whichever is the higher: (I) 15%; or (ii) the percentage of increase in the previous year's annual net profit reported by the company in the group's annual results announcement (after deducting one-time non-recurring profit and loss items). Starting from the calendar year 2022, dividends declared by the company will be paid to the company's shareholders four times a year in the form of interim dividends, once a quarter.

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