
博世考虑关闭燃油车零部件工厂 因担心电动化转型致产能过剩

Bosch is considering closing the fuel vehicle parts factory for fear of overcapacity caused by electrification.

新浪財經 ·  Jul 19, 2021 07:52

German auto parts giant Bosch Group is considering closing a plant in Munich that makes parts for fuel cars, a company spokesman said. This is because of concerns that Germany's transition from internal combustion engine cars to electric cars will lead to "serious overcapacity and need to be adjusted".

Demand for the plant's products, including electric fuel pumps and injection valves, will decline in the coming years, undermining the plant's competitiveness, according to an internal Bosch document.

Bosch's move is a sign of how the shift to electric cars is already reshaping German industry. Germany's economy minister said last month that 14 million electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles were expected to be on the road by 2030, at least 40 per cent higher than previous estimates.

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