
奥运村两名运动员感染新冠 东京新增病例创1月下旬以来新高

The new case of infection of COVID-19 by two athletes in the Olympic Village in Tokyo reached the highest level since late January.

新浪財經 ·  Jul 19, 2021 00:27

Two South African footballers tested positive for COVID-19 in the Tokyo Olympic Village.

This is the first time an athlete has been infected in the Olympic Village, according to a document issued by the Tokyo Olympic Organizing Committee on Sunday. So far, there are a total of 55 positive cases related to the Tokyo Olympic Games.

The Olympic Games will open on July 23, the first Olympic Games without spectators in history. The Japanese government declared a fourth state of emergency in Tokyo earlier this month. As of Saturday, there were 1410 new infections in Tokyo, the highest level since Jan. 21.

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiro Suga is under increasing pressure to live up to his promise to host the "safe and reliable" Olympic Games. According to a survey, 65% of respondents questioned whether Suga Yiwei could deliver on his promise, while only 19% said they believed it. Forty-eight percent of the respondents said they were not in the mood to enjoy the Olympics.

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