
视源股份(002841.SZ):邓洁辞任财务总监 刘丹凤接任

Shiyuan Co., Ltd. (002841.SZ): Deng Jie resigns as financial director Liu Danfeng takes over

格隆滙 ·  Jul 16, 2021 19:02

Gelonghui July 16 丨Shiyuan Co., Ltd. (002841.SZ) announced that the board of directors of the company received a written resignation report submitted by Deng Jie, the company's deputy general manager and financial director. Deng Jie resigned as deputy general manager and financial director for personal reasons on July 16, 2021. After his resignation, he no longer held any position in the company. The resignation report has taken effect.

After review by the nomination committee of the board of directors of the company, the company held the 7th meeting of the fourth board of directors on July 16, 2021, deliberated and passed the “Proposal on the New Chief Financial Officer” and agreed to appoint Liu Danfeng as the company's financial director. The term of office starts from the date the board of directors deliberates and passes until the expiration of the term of the fourth board of directors.

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