
花700美元可解决的问题 特斯拉售后开价1.6万

The problem that can be solved by spending 700USD Tesla offers 16000 after-sale price.

新浪財經 ·  Jul 15, 2021 10:11

A Youtube user in the United States showed how he repaired a Tesla for only $700.The damaged battery pack of the Model 3 came after the Tesla service center charged the renter of the car $16000 for repairs. The video went viral online, sparking a discussion about consumers' right to repair, especially in cars.

The renter of the Tesla, Donald, damaged the car's cooling system after crashing into rubble on the road. On Tesla Model 3, a cooling pipe is connected to a joint on the battery pack under the car. In this accident, the debris broke the flange, causing the coolant to leak from the battery pack.

Donald drove the car to Tesla's official service center, who reported a repair fee of up to $16000, insisting that the entire battery needed to be replaced because the damaged part was embedded in the battery pack's shell.

Donald later asked the broadcaster, Rich Benoit, for help online, and Benoit took him to a third-party electric car service center where they cut the connector of the battery pack, cleaned it, and put it back into the shell with a brass accessory. The final bill was only $700.

The repair video was uploaded online on Sunday and has been viewed more than 500000 times so far.

The video producers say they are not targeting Tesla, but are expressing concern about the companies' existing maintenance policies. "We want to promote the importance of third-party maintenance," Benoit said. "

Tesla currently does not support third-party maintenance. "Tesla will not support the maintenance of the high-voltage battery system in the vehicle until Tesla confirms that the vehicle meets Tesla's safety standards and vehicle specifications," the company said. "

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