
奈飞进军游戏领域 聘Facebook前高管为游戏开发副总裁

Netflix enters the game field and hires a former Facebook executive as vice president of game development.

新浪財經 ·  Jul 15, 2021 09:37

American video streaming giant Netflix(Netflix) announced on Wednesday that it had hired a former FacebookAnd EA.Executive Mike Verdu (Mike Verdu), vice president, leads his video games division in an effort to move beyond its traditional streaming business.

Verdu founded his own defense software company at the age of 20, sold it in 1990, and then moved his team to video games. Since then, he has been working in this field, working for Atari, EA, Kabam and other development companies, and has been responsible for leading the development of games such as the Lord of the Rings.

He recently served as vice president of content for augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) at Facebook.

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