
莎莎(00178.HK)推接種疫苗大抽獎 共送100萬元現金券

00178.HK pushed the vaccination raffle and gave a total of 1 million yuan cash coupons.

即市頭條 ·  Jul 12, 2021 09:55

00178.HK announced that it will hold ten rounds of the "Sasha Beauty City vaccination Grand draw" for Hong Kong residents who have been vaccinated against COVID-19, hoping to encourage people to be vaccinated, join hands with all sectors of the community to actively fight the epidemic, and hope that the economy and people's livelihood can recover as soon as possible.

Sasha will give out a total of 1 million yuan worth of Sasha cash coupons as prizes in this lucky draw. In each round of the lottery, 50 winners will be randomly selected by the computer system, and each winner will receive a Sasha cash coupon worth 2000 yuan.

In addition, the Group has also set up a staff lucky draw to give an additional salsa cash coupon with a total value of 200000 yuan to the winners. Hong Kong employees registered to participate in the lucky draw are required to complete two doses of COVID-19 vaccination in Hong Kong in advance.

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