

2021 ranking of the top 100 listed companies by global market capitalization

全球企業動態 ·  Jul 11, 2021 10:31

Source: global enterprise dynamics


PwC ranked the "Top 2021 Global listed companies by Market capitalization (market capitalisation)" (Global top 2021 companies 2021) according to the stock market capitalization (market capitalisation) of the world's listed companies on March 31, 2021. Apple Inc returned to the top of the list, while Saudi Aramco retreated to second place, followed by ALPHABET, the parent company of Microsoft Corp, Amazon.Com Inc and Alphabet Inc-CL C. China's Tencent and BABA entered the top ten.

Due to the influence of COVID-19 's epidemic, global stock markets fell sharply in March 2020. But then regained the lost ground and set new highs. Compared with the same period last year (March 31, 2020), the total market capitalization of the shares of the world's top 100 listed companies increased by 48% in one year.

The top 10 companies with the fastest growth in market capitalization in the past year are:

Tesla, Inc. + 565%, Meituan + 221%, Volkswagen Group + 165%, PayPal + 153%, Wuliangye + 151%, Softbank Corp. Group + 140%, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd + 127%, ASML Holding NV + 125% temperament Mobile Mobile + 117%, Lowe's Companies Inc + 110%.

Of the 100 companies, 59 are headquartered in the United States, 14 in China (including the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan), three in Switzerland, the Netherlands, Japan, Germany and the United Kingdom, and two in France, India and Ireland. Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Australia, Denmark, Canada and Belgium each have one on the list.

Among the companies on the list, there are 20 technology companies with a total market capitalization of US $10.483 trillion, 17 non-consumer necessities enterprises with a total market capitalization of US $5.992 trillion, 14 financial enterprises with a total market capitalization of US $3.429 trillion, 16 health care enterprises with a total market capitalization of US $3.333 trillion, and 5 energy enterprises with a total market capitalization of US $2686 billion.

There are 9 consumer essential goods enterprises with a total market value of 2.035 trillion US dollars, 9 industrial enterprises with a total market capitalization of 2.017 trillion US dollars, 7 telecommunications enterprises with a total market capitalization of 1.308 trillion US dollars, and 2 basic materials enterprises with a market capitalization of 309 billion US dollars. One public utility enterprise, with a market capitalization of 148 billion US dollars.

The following is the ranking of specific companies:

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