

Baidu AI technology has entered the harvest period: winning more than 10 international championships in a month.

量子位 ·  Jul 6, 2021 15:41

China has become the most eye-catching participant and contributor in the wave of AI technology.

As the international top meeting with the best insight into the direction of AI's cutting-edge technology, its influence should not be underestimated.

Nowadays, more and more Chinese enterprises "show off their muscles" in the international summit meeting, in order to prove their real technological strength.

With the continuous deepening of technology, some domestic enterprises have emerged, which are comparable to the top foreign science and technology enterprises.

It has even taken the lead in some landing areas.

such asBaidu

In the last month, Baidu won the championship in three international top meetings and 12 competitions. In the just-concluded CVPR, he won the championship on 10 tracks, which can be calledCVPR Ten Crown Kings

And more importantly, it also covers a variety of different areas, including autopilot, smart city, semantic segmentation, human body analysis, medical radiation.

On the one hand, the results of such events are far from the tip of the iceberg of Baidu AI.

On the other hand, we can also see that in addition to the technical factions in the bones, Baidu is also in the lead in the industry in terms of action, that is, the speed of landing.

To be able to dominate the international arena, quickly apply to the ground, and maintain a steady stream of technological innovation and motivation, what is the secret of Baidu AI?

Let's listen to it slowly today.

All stacks of strength dominate the international arena

How to evaluate Baidu's AI strength?

Full stack, the most appropriate.

Cautionary Consulting once commented on Baidu: "Baidu is the only Chinese company that has developed full-stack AI capabilities so far."

The pay behind the word "full stack" can be imagined.

As a veteran who went to the top meeting of AI for many years, what he said is indeed true.

The performance in the field of CV alone is an example.

Baidu, which won eight championships on CVPR last year, will go down two more cities this time.

In addition, 22 papers were selected into CVPR, covering many research directions, such as image semantic segmentation, text video retrieval, 3D object detection, style transfer, video understanding, transfer learning and so on.

At the same time as CVPR, Baidu also jointly organized CVPR 2021 NAS workshop in conjunction with Sydney University of Science and Technology and University of North Carolina in the United States.The first sessionLightweight NAS international competition.

As a result, more than 600 teams from all over the world participated and came together to let a hundred flowers blossom.

With such influence, only high achiever like Baidu can do it.

For example, Baidu ploughs the longest and strongest NLP field.

This year is Baidu's 11th year of ploughing. In 2010, Baidu became the most famous international top meeting in the field of NLP.ACLFor the first time, representatives of Chinese Internet enterprises have been welcomed.

And that representative is Baidu. In the same year, Baidu NLP department was officially established.

So some people sayBaidu has been ploughing deeply in NLP for ten years, that is, the ten years of "breaking the circle" of ACL in China.

In addition, Baidu NLP spokesperson--Wen Xin ERNIEIt also dominates all the lists with the same skills as dragon swords.

For example, in the world's largest semantic evaluation competition, SemEval 2020, Wen Xin ERNIE won five world championships in one fell swoop.

It made its debut in December 2019.Climb to the top of GLUE

GLUE is one of the authoritative rankings in the field of natural language processing and has always been regarded as an industry standard for evaluating the progress of NLP research.

At that time, Wenxin ERNIE broke through the 90-point mark for the first time, even surpassing human beings by 3 percentage points, setting a new record on the list. As a result, not long ago, it topped the list again and reached the top of the GLUE.

Last year alone, Baidu AI won the championship in the world's top artificial intelligence academic conferences and related competitions, such as CVPR, ACL, ECCV, NeurIPS, INTERSPEECH and so on.More than 30 times

In terms of AI patents, Baidu has also achieved the first place in the total number of applications and grants for three consecutive years in the field of artificial intelligence in China.

What we can see is that in the academic aspect alone, Baidu has already shown"AI head goose"The ability to do so.

Not to mention the Kunlun chip, deep learning platform, autopilot, and a variety of AI layout and landing, from the breadth and depth, all show Baidu's full-stack AI capabilities.

Various industries give full play to their internal skills

Academic strength is not enough, but also approachable, really deep into various industry scenes, is the value and significance of technology realization.

Not far away, just carrying this month's report card is enough to see what Baidu has carried out in various industries.The Chi

AutopilotCome on.

In the CVPR Ten Crown this year, the three champions of semantic segmentation, high-resolution human body analysis and foggy environment testing track can directly contribute to Baidu's self-driving ability.

In addition, as one of the core modules, target detection only requires higher and higher accuracy and stability of the detection algorithm.

In the fourth nuScenes 3D Target Detection Challenge, Baidu proposed a multi-modal and multi-task information fusion framework, and added multi-model fusion, semi-supervised learning, test phase data enhancement and other technologies.

In the end, they won the first place in a number of evaluation indicators of 3D object detection tasks, and raised the key index nuScenes Detection Score (NDS) to 74.9% from 71.4% in the previous year, and the average correct rate of the whole category to 72.4% from 67.1% of the previous champion.

Of course, you may say that Baidu's autopilot itself is very strong, so the achievement is needless to say.

Then tell me about it.Medical radiation reportDomain.

Just in early June this year, Baidu won the championship in the international evaluation of the summary of medical radiation reports in MEDIQA 2021.

What is the significance of this technology?

Medical radiation report, that is, the image report after radiological examination, includes three parts: basic information, image performance and diagnostic impression.

In the traditional diagnosis and treatment, the impression of diagnosis and treatment needs to be manually summarized by radiologists according to the image performance.

This approach is time-consuming and error-prone.

On the other hand, the automatic summary technology of radiation report can automatically generate diagnostic impression according to the image performance and combined with the basic information of the patient.

This greatly liberates the manpower and improves the level of medical intelligence.

On the other hand, based on its deep cultivation in the field of medical language understanding and knowledge graph, Baidu won the championship by nearly 3 percentage points in ROUGE-2, the main index of MEDIQA 2021 medical radiation report.

In addition, it also won the first place in all nine test indicators at the same time.

There are also two tasks like this time in the AI CITY Challenge-- the traffic flow statistics task and the abnormal event detection track to win the championship, in which the key technologies have been applied to Baidu's intelligent transportation and smart city systems.

To know that such an intelligent system must be a collection of multiple AI technologies in one.

Only visual correlation integrates the technologies of detection, tracking, 3D positioning, segmentation, identity re-identification and event analysis.

This is a big challenge for the average technology company.

But Baidu not only did it, but also did it everywhere.Fall to the ground and blossom

There is also the AI ability to win the double champion in the SoccerNet-v2 Challenge, which has also been landed on the intelligent creation platform.

Baidu already has the corresponding tools, such as custom football highlights generation, football picture and text war report one-click conversion video and so on.

Autopilot, medical diagnosis, smart city, intelligent creation. There are too many applications to enumerate.

Baidu not only has strong academic strength, but also can quickly inject scenes into various fields, and the secret behind it has long been made public.

There is no other, the integration of cloud and intelligence.

The secret has been made public.

So, what is the integration of cloud and wisdom?

Cloud, cloud computing, cloud edge integration capabilities; intelligence, AI capabilities, the formation of some kind of coupling relationship between the two, that isCloud and wisdom as a whole

For BaiduBaidu brain.

After more than a decade of accumulation, Baidu brain has evolved into a large-scale AI production platform with integrated software and hardware, and has become a new infrastructure enabling various industries under the background of industry intelligence.

These include Flying Propeller Deep Learning platform, Baidu Kunlun chip, as well as voice, vision, knowledge graph, natural language processing and other technologies and platforms.

The cloud computing architecture, which is specially built for AI and serves as the output carrier of AI, is designed to meet the large-scale production of industrial intelligent applications and improve the efficiency of AI development of enterprises.

With such a combination of cloud and wisdom, how on earth has it become the strategic core of Baidu AI leading the world?

First of all, the integration between AI and cloud computing is itself the trend of the times.

Various industries and enterprises are seeking intelligent and digital transformation, in which AI acts as the core driving engine, which is naturally placed in the most important position.

How to do it quickly, efficiently and at a low cost requires the blessing of cloud computing.

Baidu, which knows AI best, naturally wants to take the lead in opening the road of integration.

Like...Industrial quality inspectionWe have seen that Baidu has formed its own industrial territory from single point to area.

The carrier--Open things

From a point of view, it can optimize the process quality of the production line.

For example, through AI technology to automatically adjust the parameters of the machine, a large number of accurate quality inspection, and then achieve cost reduction and efficiency.

In a broad sense, as a Baidu industrial Internet brand, it uses its own business advantages to launch AI+ industrial Internet solutions for manufacturing, energy, power and other industrial enterprises.

At present, Baidu has reached cooperation with Chongqing, Guiyang and Jinan to launch corresponding industrial empowerment programs according to the characteristics of different cities, forming its ownSmart layout

And likesmart cityIn the course of construction, we have a number of cooperation with Beijing, Fujian, Guangxi, Yunnan and other regions.

The brain of Haidian City in Beijing and the brain of Lijiang City in Yunnan Province are jointly built by Baidu's joint partners.

In Fuzhou, Fujian, Baidu's industrial intelligence project has been launched.

Baidu also signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region, focusing on government agents, smart government services, smart tourism, intelligent transportation, intelligent border defense, urban smart base, digital industrial park, industrial Internet and other directions. to help Guangxi build a new type of smart city in all directions.

Smart cities are being opened one by one, and Baidu is helping to build digital China in its own way.

Through the integration of cloud and intelligence, Baidu is building AI infrastructure to promote more intelligent innovation in the industry.

From the perspective of the landing of a number of industries, Baidu's AI capability has expanded from single-point modular development to multi-business scenario technology development and application.

Can Baidu AI strength be copied?

Baidu AI's technical strength is indeed very strong, can it be "copied" in the end?

In my opinion, neither can nor can.

Technology is not only the core engine for the good development of an enterprise, but also the enterprise's.Exclusive Secret Book

The technical strength of Baidu AI is not built in a day, whether in technical hard power or application experience, it has laid a certain foundation and reputation, which can not be copied.

Exactly like this, at present, the base of Baidu's brain--Flying oarIt has gathered 3.2 million developers, served 120000 enterprises, created 360000 models, and set up 360000 models in many fields, such as health care, finance, entertainment, environment, energy, industrial system and so on.

Plus not long agoRobotaxiThe last difficulty of commercialization was also overcome by Baidu Apollo-the cost of a bike is only 480000.

Once again, it is difficult for other enterprises to copy Baidu's technological strength.

But there is nothing in this world that will not be copied. Any enterprise, any product may be copied, replication can produce economies of scale.

In fact, this kind of "replication" is not to copy the core technology, but to copy its success path and methodology.

From the bottom, the pattern of success is the same, discover new requirements, solve new requirements, and thus succeed.

But at the same time, there are differences in the resources and experience accumulated by enterprises in the process, which creates the leadership of Baidu AI's core technical strength.

Just like the battle of Bing Xian Han Xin's back water, it has always been imitated and never surpassed, just because it can not be copied.

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