
楼观察 | 万科香港项目累售36亿港元 新世界半年卖出逾980个单位

Building observation | Vanke Hong Kong project accumulated sales of HK $3.6 billion New World sold more than 980 units in half a year

觀點地產網 ·  Jul 2, 2021 18:18

VankeHong Kong Cheung Sha Wan project The Campton accumulated 421 partners and cashed out HK $3.6 billion.

On July 2, Wanke's Changsha Wan New Market The Campton has sold a total of 421 units, accounting for 90% of the total number of units of the project, with a total cash of about HK $3.64 billion. The Campton is about to enter the delivery stage. At present, there are 46 unsold flats, of which nine will be sold by tender, most of which are middle-and high-level flats. The lowest discount price for the remaining goods is 7.824 million Hong Kong dollars, which is an one-bedroom unit, and the highest discount price is 13.18 million Hong Kong dollars, which is a three-bedroom unit.

Another new offering of Vanke VAU RESIDENCE currently sells 57 companies, with an average price of about HK $25432 per sq ft, cashing out a total of nearly HK $400m. The developer has indicated that the remaining flats in the price list will continue to be pushed, while the remaining flats will be decided when to sell and the prices will be adjusted in the light of market conditions.

New World sold more than 980 units in Hong Kong in the first half of the year at HK $14.7 billion

On July 2, New World Hong Kong Park III recently invited tenders to sell a group of four-bedroom and double sets with rooftop features, with a saleable area of 1695 square feet, with a transaction price of HK $76.5 million and a practical price of more than HK $45000 per foot. Together with the four standard houses sold last Wednesday, Pak'ao Zhuang III broke the record for stratified households in the New Territories twice in a week.

New world developmentChief Executive Zheng Zhigang said that the market was very hungry for quality properties, resulting in a good sales performance of Pak'ao Zhuang with both price and volume, cashing in more than HK $37.3 billion. The first to third phases of Baiaozhuang accumulated 3028 units in 9 months, accounting for about 98% of the whole project.

In addition, sales and marketing director Huang Haoxian said that as of the end of June, sales in the first half of this year had realized nearly 14.7 billion Hong Kong dollars, involving more than 980 units, including Baiaozhuang Phase I to III, Miyi, Aodi, Bai Weishan, Baiao Bay and Mingzhu, and so on. Among them, Baiaozhuang III sold 845 units, accounting for 85% of the total, and the transaction price of the project repeatedly reached record highs.

Meridians and collaterals: the number of mortgages of existing buildings and uncompleted flats in Hong Kong has risen by more than 20% a month to reach 9-month and 17-month highs.

On July 2, according to the latest data from the Meridian Mortgage Referral Research Department and the Land Registry, the number of mortgages of existing properties in June this year was 9557, a monthly increase of 25.2%, rising for four consecutive months to a nine-month high. The number of mortgages in uncompleted flats in that month was 912, up 21.1% month-on-month, rising for two consecutive months to a 17-month high.

Compared with the same period last year, the number of mortgages of existing properties in June last year was 7488, an increase of 27.6% year-on-year. Uncompleted flats increased by 106.3% year-on-year. Compared with the first half of the year, the number of mortgages of existing properties recorded 44931 in the first six months, representing a year-on-year increase of 25.3%. The number of mortgages in uncompleted developments in the first half of this year was 3105, representing a monthly decrease of 21%.

Cao Deming, Chief Vice President of Meridian Mortgage Referral, said that in June, the number of uncompleted buildings and uncompleted flats was fully completed, and the number of uncompleted flats even returned to the pre-epidemic level. In the first half of the year, although the number of mortgages in uncompleted flats is still lower than that in the same period last year, as the market figure lags behind the property market, it is believed that the earlier number of uncompleted flats will be reflected one after another in the second half of the year. In addition, Hong Kong has maintained zero local infection cases in recent months, and the number of mortgages in existing and uncompleted flats is expected to continue to improve in the second half of the year.

Wachovia: Hong Kong's overall property registration reached an 8-and-a-half-year high in the first half

According to Wachovia Real Estate data and Research Center Comprehensive Land Registry data on July 2, a total of 49795 registrations of overall properties (including first-hand private buildings, second-hand residential buildings, first-hand public housing, industrial and commercial shops, pure parking spaces and others) were recorded in the first half of this year (as of June 29), an increase of about 52.1% compared with 32749 in the first half of last year, an 8-and-a-half-year high.

Liu Jiahui, chief analyst at Wachovia Properties, pointed out that the overall performance of property registration was even more outstanding, with the amount involved in the first half of the year reaching HK $468.71 billion, which was about 74.2% higher than that of about HK $269.03 billion in the first half of last year and reached a 24-year high since the first half of 1997.

The overall property registration volume and amount in the first half of the year were outstanding, and second-hand housing became one of the driving forces. According to data, a total of 32737 second-hand residential registrations were recorded in the first half of this year (as of June 29), an increase of about 48.1 per cent over 22099 in the first half of last year. The amount involved reached HK $280.06 billion, up about 62.8 per cent from HK $172.05 billion in the first half of last year.

As for first-hand private buildings, data from the Comprehensive Land Registry show that, excluding first-hand public housing, a total of 8087 first-hand private property registrations were recorded in the first half of this year (as of June 29), an increase of about 25.2% compared with 6458 in the first half of last year; the amount involved was about HK $111.51 billion, a year-on-year increase of about 57.8%.

On the non-residential side, the performance is also outstanding. In the first half of this year, a total of 8912 cases of non-residential properties such as industrial and commercial shops, pure parking spaces and other non-residential properties were recorded, with an amount of about HK $76.82 billion, an increase of about 150.8% and 213.4% respectively over the first half of last year. In contrast, only 59 cases of first-hand public housing were recorded in the first half of this year, a sharp drop of about 90% compared with the first half of last year.

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