
标普500指数料创4月以来最大周涨幅 得益于通胀担忧缓解

The S & P 500 is expected to have its biggest weekly gain since April, helped by easing inflation concerns.

新浪財經 ·  Jun 25, 2021 22:32

As inflationary pressures ease and confidence in fiscal stimulus returns, the S & P 500 is heading for its biggest weekly gain since April.

The index hit a new intraday high, up 0.3% as of 1015 / 04 New York time. Eight of the 11 major sectors rose, led by the financial sector.

Nasdaq, which closed at a record high on Thursday100 is basically the same as the Nasdaq composite index.

NikeIt rose to a record high after announcing strong results. FedExFell as the performance outlook was lower than expected.

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