
特斯拉Model 3被评为2021年美国制造最多的汽车

Tesla Model 3 was named the most manufactured car in the United States in 2021

新浪科技 ·  Jun 24, 2021 01:15

Sina Science and Technology News in the early morning of June 24, Beijing time, according to foreign media reportsTeslaThe Model 3 has been named the most manufactured car in the United States in 2021 by AOL car sales service, the first time electric vehicles have topped the list in 16 years. 's US manufacturing index was created in 2006 to rank vehicles according to the number of US factory jobs, factory location and parts purchases. The ranking lists 90 models that meet the above criteria.Ford Motor(F.N) Mustang (Mustang) ranked second, TeslaModel Y ranked third.

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