
耀高控股(01796)全年亏损约为3250万港元 同比亏损大幅度增加

Yogo Holdings (01796) posted an annual loss of about HK $32.5 million, a substantial increase over the same period last year.

鳳凰網港股 ·  Jun 22, 2021 22:54

Phoenix New Media Hong Kong stocks |Yogo Holdings (01796)It was announced that as of March 31, 2021, the company had a loss of about 32.5 million yuan (HK $). The year-on-year loss increased significantly (2020: loss of about 8 million yuan); loss per share was about HK6.77 cents (2020: loss of HK1.66 cents); no final dividend was declared.

During the period, the income was about 278 million yuan, a decrease of about 51.1% compared with the same period last year; the gross loss was 28.14 million yuan, from profit to loss (2020: gross profit 11.4 million), the gross loss rate was 10.1%, and the 2020 gross profit margin was 2.7%.

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