
工信部消費品司:倡加大奶源基地建設 促進優勢產區發展

Consumer goods Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: advocate increasing the construction of milk source base to promote the development of advantageous producing areas

即市頭條 ·  Jun 22, 2021 08:26

Li Tangbing, Deputy Director of the Consumer goods Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, attended the "Symposium on High quality Development of the Dairy Industry" and delivered a speech, summing up the development results and current situation of the mainland dairy industry during the 13th five-year Plan period. It also puts forward some suggestions for the development of dairy industry during the 14th five-year Plan period from the aspects of deepening the special action of "three products", increasing the construction of milk source base, promoting the development of superior producing areas, promoting the green and intelligent transformation of enterprises, and strengthening opening and cooperation.

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