

Hong Kong stock Tongyao Ming biology has a net inflow of HK $1.156 billion

即市頭條 ·  Jun 18, 2021 18:25

The north water flows southward into 02269.HK, 00175.HK and 01211.HK, reaching HK $1.156 billion, HK $1.15 billion and HK $915 million respectively.

The net outflow of Xiaomi Group (01810.HK), 00700.HK (Tencent) and Meituan (03690.HK) from the north to the south reached HK $825 million, HK $520 million and HK $188 million respectively.

The highest net inflow of funds into active shares of Hong Kong Stock Connect (Shanghai) is HK $540 million for 01211.HK, while the highest net outflow of shares is HK $381 million for 00700.HK.

The highest net inflow of funds into active shares of Hong Kong Stock Connect (Shenzhen) is HK $809 million for 00175.HK, while the highest net outflow of shares is HK $575 million for 01810.HK.

The total southbound inflow totaled HK $3.191 billion, with a total turnover of 40.076 billion yuan, accounting for 19.50% of the market turnover.


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