
天猫部分品牌超过50%成交来自会员 阿里吹雪:私域公域结合才能实现最大价值

More than 50% of the transactions of some brands of Tmall come from the member Ali Chuanxue: the combination of private domain and public domain can realize the maximum value.

新浪科技 ·  Jun 18, 2021 15:34

Sina Science and Technology News on the afternoon of June 18, Sina Science and Technology learned from Tmall that as of June 16, brand merchants had added nearly 60 million members during the Tmall period, and more than 50% of the transactions of some brands came from members. at present, there are 20 brands on Tmall with more than 10 million brand members.

AlibabaVice president and Tmall vice president Feng Xue said in an interview that Tmall flagship store 2.0 is currently the best business activities in China. The growing brand member is one of the examples. Tmall flagship store has the ability to enable merchants to do a good job in full-cycle operation of goods and the ability of hierarchical operation and continuous management of users. It is also the best product for the combination of public domain and private domain, which is Tmall's unique value. He believes that the private domain must be effectively combined with the public domain in order to achieve the maximum value. (Xuemei)

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