
大行评级 | 瑞信:上调中软国际(0354.HK)目标价至15.5港元 评级“跑赢大市”

Big Bank rating | Credit Suisse: raise the target price of China soft International (0354.HK) to HK $15.50 "outperform the market"

格隆滙 ·  Jun 18, 2021 12:14
On June 18, Gelonghui, Credit Suisse released a report that raised 0354.HK 's earnings per share growth forecast for 2022 and 2023 by 2% to 4% to reflect higher income, mainly due to the acquisition of Huawei and other major customers under the trend of Hongmeng and digitalization. The target price was raised from HK $12.2 to HK $15.5, with a rating of "outperforming the market". The stock is now trading at HK $13.38, up 6.19%, with a latest market capitalization of HK $38.8 billion.

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