
港股异动 | 中软国际(0354.HK)涨超6% 获瑞信看高股价至15.5港元

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | China soft International (0354.HK) rose more than 6% and was bullish by Credit Suisse to HK $15.50

格隆滙 ·  Jun 18, 2021 11:48
China soft International (0354.HK), a Hongmeng concept stock, rose more than 6% on June 18, and is expected to challenge new highs again at HK $13.36, with a total market capitalization of HK $38.8 billion.

Huawei's terminal equipment will be fully upgraded to the Hongmeng operating system this year, and the overall scale is expected to exceed 200 million by the end of the year.

Credit Suisse reiterated that China soft International "outperformed the market" rating, raised its target price by 27% to HK $15.50, and raised its earnings per share forecast for 2022-23 by 2-4% to reflect higher revenue, mainly Hongmeng and the digital trend. Driven by Huawei and other big customers.

Huawei officially released Hongmeng system on June 2, and Sinoft International continued to soar to a new all-time high, and its share price rose again after the recent pullback.


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