

Liu Qiangdong issued a letter to shareholders: Logistics spent an average of nearly 110000 yuan on each frontline employee in 2020.

36氪 ·  Jun 18, 2021 14:43

36 Krypton GroupLiu Qiangdong, Chairman of the Board and CEO, issued a letter to shareholders. Liu Qiangdong said that in the 18 years since its establishment, 's staff has increased from 38 to 370000, earning more than 745.8 billion yuan in 2020, serving 500m users and millions of partners. At the same time, the letter also mentioned that in logisticsThe group spends an average of nearly 110000 yuan a year on each frontline employee, and many couriers in the northeast and northwest provinces earn more than 10,000 yuan a month. In addition, Liu Qiangdong proposed that in the next 10 years, will build 's digital intelligent social supply chain. In the past year, more than 1000 brands have carried out deep reverse customization cooperation with

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