

Liu Qiangdong issued a shareholder's letter on June 18, looking back on the accumulation and growth of in the past 18 years.

新浪財經 ·  Jun 18, 2021 10:17
Liu Qiangdong, chairman and chief executive officer of Group, today issued a letter to shareholders entitled "always be in awe". Liu Qiangdong said in the letter that all 's achievements and dreams depend on the team and employees. Over the years, has always adhered to the most simple business logic: the enterprise is good to the employees, and the employees can serve the customers with sincerity. Customers can repay the enterprise with trust. According to the shareholder letter, has more than 200,000 front-line employees, 80 per cent of whom are from rural areas that are not rich. In 2020, Logistics Group spent nearly 110000 yuan a year on each front-line employee, and their income was enough to support a family's livelihood, not only in big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. many couriers in northeastern and northwestern provinces also earn more than 10,000 yuan a month.

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