
快讯:内房股集体下跌 融创跌近6%中国恒大跌近4%

News flash: inner housing stocks collectively fell by nearly 6%, China Evergrande fell by nearly 4%.

新浪港股 ·  Jun 18, 2021 09:58

June 18 news, internal housing stocks fell collectively, financing fell nearly 6%, China EvergrandeIt fell nearly 4%, Hop King Pacific and Baolong Real Estate fell more than 3%, and China Jinmao fell 2.59%.

According to REDD, people familiar with the matter said that domestic regulators launched a campaign against financial innovation in China this month.The investigation of land purchases, which has been on a buying spree since January, has attracted the attention of the central bank and the Ministry of Land and Resources.

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