

01526.HK changes the use of unspent funds from some of its listed earnings

即市頭條 ·  Jun 15, 2021 12:10

01526.HK announced that the unspent net income from listing was 185 million yuan, accounting for 27% of the net proceeds, which was originally planned to be used to "open new medical examination centers and upgrade and renovate existing medical examination centers". The proposed use of the net unspent proceeds is now changed.

Apart from the "opening of new medical examination centres and upgrading and refurbishment of existing medical examination centres", the remaining net unspent funds will also be used for the "Phase II expansion Project of Ruiche Hospital in Nantong" and "general working capital".

According to the company, it is expected that the second phase of the expansion project of Nantong Ruici Hospital will provide Nantong Ruici Hospital with competitive infrastructure, making it an important driving force for the future development of the Group's general hospital business. The company believes that the second phase of the expansion project of Nantong Ruici Hospital requires a large amount of capital to enable the Group to maintain the leading position of Nantong Ruici Hospital in Nantong and to enhance the competitive edge of the Group's general hospital business. and the company needs to provide competitive remuneration and benefits to maintain the existing human resources policy and retain experienced and qualified staff, which are essential to the growth and development of the company.

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