
美联储资产负债表规模首次突破8万亿美元 疫情以来增加近一倍

The size of the Fed's balance sheet has nearly doubled since the epidemic broke through $8 trillion for the first time.

新浪財經 ·  Jun 11, 2021 07:33

The Fed's weekly position data released on Thursday showed that its balance sheet exceeded $8 trillion for the first time.

This means that the size of COVID-19 's balance sheet has nearly doubled since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in March last year and the Fed launched large-scale asset purchases.

The report also shows that since the Fed announced on June 4 that it would phase out its nearly $14 billion secondary market corporate credit facility, (SMCCF), the bank appears to have sold about $160 million of corporate bonds. As a first step, the Fed began selling its shares in 16 bond exchange-traded funds ((ETF)) on Monday.

SMCCF is just one of many emergency measures introduced by the Fed last spring, and while Fed support measures restored liquidity in credit markets, the tool ended up being rarely used and the sale of its holdings is not expected to have a serious impact on the market.

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