
美国5月份非农就业人数增加55.9万人 失业率创去年3月以来新低

Us non-farm payrolls rose by 559000 in May and the unemployment rate was the lowest since March last year.

新浪財經 ·  Jun 4, 2021 20:35

Non-farm payrolls in the United States increased by 559000 in May, compared with an estimated increase of 674000, compared with a previous increase of 266000.

The unemployment rate in the United States reached 5.8% in May, the lowest since March last year.

Us Bureau of Labor Statistics: non-farm payrolls were revised from 266000 to 278000 in April and from 770000 to 785000 in March.

After the release of non-farm data, US stock index futures rose, while Nasdaq futures rose to 0.5 per cent. Spot gold rose above $1880 an ounce and rose 0.56 per cent on the day.

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