
CSL推出專為消費券而設的5G旗艦手機Fast Pass

CSL launches 5G flagship mobile phone Fast Pass specially designed for consumption coupons

Etnet經濟通 ·  Jun 4, 2021 11:32

Hong Kong Telecom (06823) announced that, CSL Mobile took the lead in launching the 5G flagship mobile phone Fast Pass for consumer coupons.

From now on, new customers can visit various csl stores and 1O1O Center to sign a limited 5G service plan with a total fee of HK $5000. In the future, they can use government consumption coupons to pay through Tap&Go 's "stop and reward" e-wallet. They can not only enjoy 5G mobile communication services, but also get 5G flagship mobile phone Fast Pass, as the designated 5G flagship mobile phone king to launch this year, so they will have the opportunity to buy net mobile phones first. You can also enjoy a 24-month Now E basic combination and a free Now E European Cup 2020 4K tournament pass. (cw)
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