
干货!2021年中国生活用纸行业龙头企业――恒安国际 多层次品牌战略龙头地位稳固

Dry goods! Leading enterprise in China's household paper industry in 2021 - Hengan International has a stable leading position in multi-level brand strategy

前瞻產業研究院 ·  Jun 2, 2021 14:22

Original title: practical information! Hengan Internationgal Group, a leading enterprise in China's household paper industry in 2021, has a solid position as a leader in multi-level brand strategy: prospective Industrial Research Institute.

Because the price of household paper is low and the transportation cost is relatively large, the competition of household paper industry is mainly regional market competition, and the national brand of medium-and high-grade household paper occupies an advantage in the market competition. In terms of production capacity and output, Hengan Internationgal Group is in the leading position in China's household paper industry.

The main listed enterprises in the household paper industry:Hengan Internationgal Group (01044), Zhongshun Jierou(002511), Sun Paper(002078), Vida International (03331), Shanying Paper (600567), Chenming Paper(000488), Bohui Paper(600966)

The core data of this article:Hengan Internationgal Group household paper business layout course, Hengan Internationgal Group production base distribution by the end of 2020, Hengan Internationgal Group domestic sales network, Hengan Internationgal Group global sales network, 2020 Hengan Internationgal Group sales regional distribution, Hengan Internationgal Group paper towel business income, Hengan Internationgal Group paper towel business gross profit margin

1. Omni-directional comparison of leading enterprises in China's domestic paper industry.

Because the price of household paper is low and the transportation cost is relatively large, the competition of household paper industry is mainly regional market competition, and the national brand of medium-and high-grade household paper occupies an advantage in the market competition. At present, Hengan Internationgal Group, Zhongshunjie soft Vida International and other enterprises are in the first echelon of competition in China's household paper industry. In terms of production capacity and output, Hengan Internationgal Group is in the leading position in China's household paper industry.


2. Hengan Internationgal Group: the layout process of household paper business

Fujian Hengan Group Co., Ltd. was founded in 1985, 1997, established "Hengan Paper Industry" to enter the household paper industry. On December 8, 1998, it was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and launched "heart-to-heart printing" tissue. Since 2017, Hengan Group has acquired Malaysia Imperial Group and Acoustics Group one after another, and invested and built factories in Russia to further distribute the international market.


3. Hengan Internationgal Group: business layout and operation status of household paper

-- Brand layout of household paper business: household paper brands and product categories

Hengan Internationgal Group's leading brands are "Heart print", "Bamboo π", "Pinot", "Optimum", "soft Shadow" and so on. The main products are paper towels, paper handkerchiefs, toilet paper, paper napkins, kitchen paper towels, wipe paper, finished base paper and other household paper. Hengan Internationgal Group has a layout in the middle and high end of the market, covering different income groups. The company's household paper has the core brand "Heart print", the high-end brand "Pinot", "Zhu π" and the middle-end brand "selection" and so on.


-- Regional layout of household paper business: distribution of household paper production base

By the end of 2020, Hengan Internationgal Group had a production capacity of 1.42 million tons and had invested in and set up more than 40 production companies in 15 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions.


-- sales layout of household paper business: sales area distribution

In terms of sales network, Heng'an has set up more than 40 branches and more than 200 sales teams and tens of thousands of business staff in cities and villages across the country. At the same time, there are production bases and sales institutions overseas, and the products are exported to 63 countries and regions around the world.


In 2020, Hengan Internationgal Group's sales are mainly distributed in Fujiang, East China, Huguang and Hong Kong and Macao. Among them, sales in Fujiang region accounted for the largest, reaching 30.3%.


4. Hengan Internationgal Group: business performance of household paper

In 2020, Hengan Internationgal Group's tissue business increased its investment in marketing in order to cope with the full recovery of the domestic market, especially in e-commerce and new retail channels in the fourth quarter, resulting in a substantial increase in sales and administrative expenses. reduced tissue revenue. On the other hand, domestic commercial and corporate activities were affected by the epidemic, thus reducing the demand for paper towels. The annual sales revenue of the paper towels business fell by about 9.6% year-on-year to about 10.383 billion yuan.


In 2020, due to a reduction in the cost of wood pulp, the gross profit margin of Hengan Internationgal Group's tissue business rose significantly to 33.5%.


5. Hengan Internationgal Group: business development planning

In order to meet the increasingly high-end consumer needs of end customers, Hengan Internationgal Group will actively adapt to and seize the market opportunities brought about by consumer upgrading, flexibly cooperate with changes in consumer demand, continue to actively optimize product mix, and upgrade product packaging, materials and functions, promote the sales of high-end products and inject growth momentum into the group.

In terms of sales channels, the epidemic accelerates the transfer of consumption patterns to the line. With omni-channel retail, Hengan Internationgal Group will step up efforts to improve the coverage of e-commerce and new retail, and in the future, e-commerce and new retail sales of paper napkins, sanitary napkins and diapers will catch up with the average level of the market.

At the same time, the Group will use the data platform to analyze consumer preferences and market changes, and further optimize the allocation of resources from product design, market distribution, sales channel strategy and other aspects. In order to meet the different needs of consumers, the group will integrate online and offlineTo actively develop new retail channels (including community group buying), so as to enhance the market penetration of the Group's products and further expand the Group's market share.


For more data, please refer to the forward-looking Industrial Research Institute's "China Household Paper Industry Development Prospect and Investment Strategic Planning Analysis report". At the same time, the forward-looking Industrial Research Institute provides solutions such as industrial big data, industrial planning, industrial declaration, industrial park planning, industrial investment, IPO investment feasibility study, prospectus writing and so on.

More in-depth industry analysis can be found in the prospective Economist APP and interact with 500 + economists / senior industry research institutes.

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