

WTO: broad recovery in global merchandise trade may accelerate

新浪財經 ·  May 28, 2021 22:59

The broad recovery in global merchandise trade is likely to accelerate amid strong consumer demand, according to a report released by the World Trade Organization on Friday.

The WTO quarterly merchandise trade index rose to 109.7, up steadily from 103.9 released in February.

The latest figures are "broadly in line with the WTO's current trade forecast (March 31), that is, the volume of merchandise trade is expected to grow by 8% in 2021".

An index of 100 indicates that the growth in the next quarter is in line with the medium-term trend.

Strong growth in air cargo, electronics and automobile trade reflects an improvement in consumer confidence, the report said.

All sub-indices of the index are above trend and rising, highlighting the broad-based recovery and sending a signal of accelerated trade growth.

The COVID-19 epidemic continues to pose the greatest threat to trade prospects, as the momentum of recovery can easily be undermined by new outbreaks, the report said.

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