

Societe Generale continues to improve the mechanism of "dare to lend, willing to lend, can lend, and will lend".

證券時報網 ·  May 28, 2021 19:59

On May 28, the people's Bank of China held the sixth press conference on "Financial support and guarantee Market players".Societe Generale BankLi Taishun, general manager of the Pratt & Whitney Financial Management Department, said that the number of loan customers and the balance of loans for inclusive small and micro enterprises in 2020 increased by 68% and 61% respectively compared with the beginning of the year Since the beginning of this year, inclusive small and micro loans have maintained steady growth, with the loan balance of 233.1 billion yuan by the end of April, an increase of 9.26% over the beginning of the year, exceeding the bank's loan growth rate of 3.82%. Societe Generale continues to improve the mechanism of daring loan, willing loan, energy loan and meeting loan, and strives to achieve "increment, quality improvement, price reduction and expansion" of loans for small and micro enterprises, so as to protect the main body of the market and achieve good results.

Get rid of the worries of "daring to borrow". Under the premise of controllable risk, Societe Generale will increase the risk tolerance, optimize the identification standard of due diligence, and improve the effectiveness of due diligence. In the accountability determination of risk projects in small and micro enterprises in 2020, the projects identified as full due diligence accounted for 53%, and those identified as partial due diligence accounted for 16%, accounting for nearly 70% of the total.

Stimulate the endogenous motivation of "willing to lend". Societe Generale strengthened the assessment, raising the weight of inclusive financial assessment to 100 points, and penetrated to the front-line branches. Increase incentives to reduce the risk weight of inclusive small and micro loans to 50%, subsidize 70 BP, for internal capital transfer pricing (FTP) and restore to case-by-case business through the system, so as to improve the enthusiasm of front-line staff. Optimize the mechanism, set up the exclusive credit business process of small and micro enterprises, full-time examination and approval team, special risk assets and credit lines, and green lending channels.

Improve the supporting aspects of "energy loan". First, continue to promote the innovation of online financing model, guarantee, repayment and other links, including full-process online financing products such as "fast and easy loan", "contract loan" and "e-note loan", as well as intellectual property pledge loans, credit-free "start-up loans" and so on. there are also "revolving loans" with loan repayment, "continuous loans" without principal repayment, and so on. Second, we persisted in giving way to profits rather than risks and resolutely implemented various policies of concession. At the end of April, the lending rate for small and micro businesses was reduced to 4.49%, a further drop of 38 BP on the basis of a drop of 128 BP last year. At the same time, we should strictly control entry, keep the risk bottom line, and keep the default rate of inclusive small and micro loans at 0.97%.

Strengthen the scientific and technological empowerment of "meeting loans". Fujian "Jinfuyun" platform brings together nearly 4400 items of enterprise-related data from 17 departments in Fujian, including electric power, taxation, and commerce, and constructs an enterprise comprehensive information evaluation model. Through the accurate portrait of big data, it can effectively break through the bottleneck of information asymmetry between banks and enterprises, build an one-stop comprehensive financial service platform, and develop special functional areas such as anti-epidemic areas, relief loan areas and local areas, so as to help benefit enterprises' policy accurate landing. At present, there are more than 117000 registered users of the platform, brokering and solving 17800 financing needs of 61.7 billion yuan. At the same time, it has actively moved to the whole country, and the "Ningxia Financial Cloud" project, which is copied and promoted outside Fujian Province, has also been put into trial operation.

Li Taishun pointed out that we should not only dare to lend, be willing to lend, be able to lend, and be able to lend, but also be accurate and good at lending. Compared with the list model of the people's Bank of China's special re-loan key enterprises, Societe Generale combed the list of 1166 key supporting enterprises, mainly including the production of epidemic materials and enterprises in industries greatly affected by the epidemic, and increased targeted financing support to tide over the difficulties hand in hand. At the same time, we should make good use of the two tools of the people's Bank of China's financial direct entities to provide deferred principal and interest payments to enterprises that meet the requirements.

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