

Praise for Ma Yun. Ant Forest has set a new goal. Ant Group did the right move

騰訊新聞 ·  May 23, 2021 23:01

Original title: Praise Ma Yun, Ant Forest has set a new goal,Ant GroupThis is the right move. Source: Tencent News

On May 17, at the 2021 Alibaba Rural Wealth Conference, Ant Group CEO Jing Xiandong announced the company's latest digital goals to help farmers. The plan shows that Ant Group will use Ant Forest as a channel to plant 1 billion trees over the next ten years.

In Ant Forest, actions that reduce carbon emissions, such as walking, bus travel, and electronic payments, can all be converted into “green energy.” Once enough green energy has been stored, it can be used to plant trees.


Since its launch in 2016, Ant Forest has had more than 550 million participants, and a total of 223 million trees have been planted, creating great public welfare value for society. As far as environmental protection is concerned, many netizens have praised Ant Forest for Ma Yun's contribution to public welfare undertakings.

What's even more exciting is that Ant Forest has new, more ambitious goals. In fact, for Ant Group, Ant Forest is definitely a great game of chess. For themselves and society, Ant Forest has brought many benefits.

So, what does Ant Forest bring to Ant Group?


First, Ant Forest is an entry point for traffic.

Ant Forest has social game attributes. Users can collect energy from friends or water friends to form interactions. This can enhance users' frequency of use, activity, user stickiness, etc., making up for Alipay's shortcomings in social functions and games.

Just half a year since Ant Forest went live, it has driven Alipay's daily active users to achieve a 40% increase. There is no doubt that Ant Forest has become an invisible traffic portal for Ant Group.


Second, help Alipay compete for the market.

Ant Forest played an important role in the competition between Alipay and WeChat Pay to pay online tracks.

The popularity of WeChat is quite high, bringing strong traffic support to WeChat Pay. This allowed WeChat Pay to quickly attack the city and surpass Alipay at one point.

However, with mini-programs such as Ant Forest, Alipay has gained traffic and stabilized its position.


Third, it has won a good reputation for Alipay.

The foundation of the existence of Ant Forest is public welfare; it has actually planted real trees on the ground. This move by Ant Forest has carried out its social responsibility and has also gained fame for itself.

Gae Guosheng, vice dean of the Charity Research Institute at Tsinghua University, said that it is a win-win and sustainable approach for enterprises to win the favor of society and achieve added commercial value by practicing social responsibility. While achieving the goals of public welfare and environmental protection, they can also provide public welfare motivation.

Ant Forest is an excellent example.


In addition to bringing benefits to the Ant Group, Ant Forest is also of great importance to society.

First, Ant Forest has successfully popularized the concept of environmental protection to the public.

Through simple and operable methods, Ant Forest allows the public to take practical actions for environmental protection and promotes the popularization of the concept of environmental protection.

The Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, Ingle Anderson, praised: Ant Forest uses technology to connect people and the environment, so that every individual can participate in actions to protect the Earth.


Second, effective environmental protection actions.

As mentioned above, Ant Forest has planted 223 million trees, contributing to China's environmental protection efforts.

Meanwhile, according to data jointly released by the Center for Ecological Environment Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and IUCN of the World Conservation Union, the estimated gross domestic product brought by the ant forest ecosystem is as high as 11.306 billion yuan.

From the above information, it's easy to see why Ant Group did the right move.

It is worth noting that in the future, Ant Forest is also expected to shoulder the heavy responsibility of entering individual emission reduction transactions.


With the peak of carbon and the continuous promotion of carbon neutrality targets, China's carbon emissions trading market is rapidly being established.

At that time, an entity such as an enterprise will have an amount of carbon emissions. If an entity's carbon emissions exceed the standard, it can also purchase entities that have not used up their quotas. This is carbon emissions trading.

Ant Forest, on the other hand, may become a platform for personal carbon sink transactions. Ordinary users can set up personal carbon accounts and earn money by reducing emissions generated by themselves.

Ant Forest said a few days ago that if the personal carbon emission reductions recorded by Ant Forest are incorporated into the carbon trading system in the future, all revenue generated will belong to individual users.

This is still something to look forward to. We'll wait and see what kind of changes Ant Forest will have in the future.

Text/BU Review/Zi Yang Correction/Zhi Qiu

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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