
拜登宣传1740亿美元电动汽车扶持计划 新能源汽车概念股集体大涨

Biden promotes $174 billion Electric vehicle support Program New Energy vehicle concept stocks soar

財華社 ·  May 19, 2021 13:43

[Caihua News] on Tuesday, local time, Biden advertised a $174 billion electric vehicle support program. Biden said that the future of the auto industry is "electric cars", and the United States needs to provide subsidies for the purchase of "clean cars", with the exception of expensive luxury models. The United States will accelerate its pace in electric vehicles, with Biden vowing to reverse the Trump administration's "short-sighted" vehicle emission standards.

Stimulated by the news, A-share market vehicles, lithium batteries, electrolytes and other plates rose collectively. As of press time, 300477.CN is up 20%, 002759.CN, 002497.CN, 002108.CN and 002045.CN are up by the daily limit, 300568.CN and 300487.CN are up more than 13%, 002594.CN and 300919.CN are up over 9%, and 603026.CN is up over 8%. Ganfeng Lithium Industry (002460.CN), Great Wall Automobile (601633.CN), Heavenly send Materials (002709.CN) and so on all soared.

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