
今日大行评级 | 这些热门中概股年内回撤近50%,大行怎么看?

Today's Big Bank Ratings | These popular Chinese securities retreated nearly 50% during the year. What do the banks think?

富途資訊 ·  May 17, 2021 22:09  · Ratings

Editor/Futu News Zoe

01.pngCow bull knock on the blackboard:

Since the beginning of this year, many well-known stock prices in the US and Hong Kong stock markets have retreated sharply from their highs, including several popular Chinese securities. Among them, NIO and Tencent Music have been losing ground since the end of the year, but many major banks remained firmly optimistic during this period.

The picture shows Futu, whose stock price has retreated more than 20% since the beginning of the year (last trading day: May 14) from a high point during the year$Top China Securities (BK2517.KW) $The stocks in China, as well as the target prices and ratings given to the relevant stocks by major banks during this period. At the time of screening, only stocks with a total market value exceeding 20 billion US dollars and an average daily turnover of more than 300 million US dollars in the range were entered.


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