
港股异动 | 苹果概念股齐跌 丘钛科技(01478)、舜宇光学(02382)均跌逾7%

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Apple concept stocks are all down more than 7%. Titanium Technology (01478) and Shunyu Optics (02382) are all down more than 7%.

智通財經 ·  May 7, 2021 14:18

Zitong Financial APP learned that Apple's concept shares fell across the board. As of press time, Qiu Titanium Technology (01478) fell 6.5% to HK $13.8; Shunyu Optics (02382) fell 6.75% to HK $172.6; BYD Electronics (00285) fell 4.52% to HK $40.10; Fuzhikang Group (02038) fell 1.9% to HK $1.03.

On the news side, global smartphone shipments surged 27% to 347 million units in the first quarter of this year, according to a global smartphone analysis report released this week by data research firm Canalys. Specifically, Samsung shipped 76.5 million phones in the first quarter, ranking first in the world, with a market share of 22%. Apple ranks second with 52.4 million shipments, with a market share of 15 per cent.

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