
REPUBLIC HC(08357)一季度股东应占溢利同比下滑99.76%至228新加坡元

智通財經 ·  May 5, 2021 17:56

According to the Zhitong Finance App, REPUBLIC HC (08357) announced results for the three months ended March 31, 2021. The group obtained revenue of SGD 3,9491 million, an increase of 14.63% over the previous year; profit attributable to company owners was SGD 228, a decrease of 99.76% over the previous year.

According to the announcement, the profit reduction was mainly due to an increase in employee benefit expenses of about 8.1% from about SGD 1.3 million in the same period last year to about SGD 1.4 million during the current period, and due to the company's efforts to retain and attract talent for the expansion plan; other operating expenses increased by about 69.8% from about SGD 500,000 in the same period last year to around SGD 900,000 during the current period. This was due to the company's increased investment in marketing and promotion activities to increase brand awareness and increase revenue; and increased expenses due to the increase in the number of general medical diagnosis and treatment centers (7 to 3 more).

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