

Pay as much as you sell! Taobao Live took the lead in reforming pit fees, no longer collecting them across the board.

格隆滙 ·  Apr 28, 2021 15:17

The pit fee problem commonly existing in the live broadcast industry is expected to be fundamentally solved.

The reporter learned from the Taobao live broadcast ceremony on April 28 that recently, Taobao live broadcast has reformed the "pit fee" charging model for goods carried by the platform: pit fees are no longer charged across the board, and a new charging method of pit fees directly linked to sales and proportional settlement has been added.


In other words, in the future, when merchants cooperate with VJs to bring goods, VJs may no longer be able to charge high pit fees, but how many goods they sell and how many potholes will be charged in proportion.

Charging pit fees is a common practice in the live broadcasting industry. When bringing goods, the anchorman will charge a certain occupancy fee for each commodity according to the usual practice, which is also called the pit fee. Prior to this, there have been high pit fees charged by anchors in the industry, but in the end, the phenomenon of rollover with goods with very few actual sales has been paid attention to by the society.

The reform launched by Taobao Live allows merchants to pay anchor pothole fees in proportion according to the final confirmation of the sales volume of goods received, bringing more protection to merchants, and making the industry problem expected to be fundamentally solved.

Specifically, if a merchant asks an anchor on Taobao to bring goods, in the past, under the traditional one-mouthed price model, the merchant had to pay the pothole fee to the anchor regardless of the final sales volume of the live broadcast.

In the future, merchants can choose the mode of "pegging pit fees to sales": first, after the merchants and anchors have determined the target sales, they can fill in the Taobao live broadcast background system, and then pay as many pit fees as they sell according to the final sales. Pit fees are linked to actual sales and settled in proportion.


15 days after the broadcast, if the actual sales are less than 20% of the target sales, the merchants do not need to pay any pit fees. Taobao live streaming platform will intervene and refund the prepaid pit fees to the merchants.

15 days after the broadcast, if the actual sales are 20% higher than the target, you will have to wait until the 30th day after the live broadcast to see how much the final consumer confirms the actual sales volume of the goods received, and the merchants will pay the pit fee in proportion according to the ratio of the actual sales volume to the target sales volume. For example, if the sales target is 100000 units and the final confirmed sales volume is 80, 000 units, the merchant only needs to pay 80% of the pothole fee.

Of course, if you end up selling more than the set sales, the merchants don't have to pay more pit fees.

It is understood that Taobao Live after the introduction of this reform. Some merchants and anchors have tried this new model, and from the feedback results, it has been recognized by merchants and anchors. with protection, merchants dare to invest resources in the studio.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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