
港股异动 | 铜业股全线回调 中国有色矿业跌近4% 此前连续10日上扬

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Copper stocks are in a pullback across the board. China's non-ferrous mining industry fell nearly 4% before rising for 10 consecutive days.

格隆滙 ·  Apr 28, 2021 11:41
Gelonghui April 28, before the continuous strengthening of copper stocks today across the board pullback, the plate ranked in the forefront of market declines. China's metal utilization and Wanguo International Mining fell 6%, Jiangxi Copper fell 4.3%, and China Nonferrous Mining fell nearly 4%, after rising for 10 consecutive days and setting new record prices. Song Hongxiao of Zhuochuang Information said a few days ago that the spot copper price increased last week, and the shock was quite severe, mainly due to speculation in the overseas market for the supply of copper mines, and the relevant copper companies reported considerable profits, fuelling the enthusiasm of the market for investment. There is little change in the overall supply and demand of the market this week, and the downstream fear of heights is limited to support copper prices. Zhou Nailun copper or test 9600 US dollars / ton before the high barrier, the domestic market copper price center of gravity or maintain at 69000 yuan / ton first line.

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