

New Oriental online is authorized exclusively by the official Cambridge IELTS Collection 16.

金融界 ·  Apr 23, 2021 10:25

On April 22nd, New Oriental online (01797.HK) and New Oriental International Education and training Department jointly organized the "Cambridge IELTS Real question 16" (hereinafter referred to as "Jian 16") press conference and interpretation of the trend of the 2021 IELTS test, bringing together the senior front-line teachers of New Oriental and New Oriental online to analyze the national candidates' online reading, speaking, writing and listening, combined with the changing trend of the series of "Cambridge IELTS official problem sets". Provide candidates with suggestions on the direction of preparing for the IELTS test in 2021.

As an official strategic partner of Cambridge, New Oriental has been working closely with Cambridge University Press to exclusively introduce and will publish Sword 16 in the near future. The landing version of Jian 16 is the same as the previous release of Jian 15 on Chinese mainland. It's still the world's premiere.

New Oriental online, as the only professional online education platform under New Oriental, has won the exclusive right to use the electronic version of "Jian 16" (including academic and training) in China. At the online press conference, Yasha, a senior IELTS teacher from New Oriental online, provided a first-hand analysis of the oral test questions of "Jian 16" and the trends and changes of the oral test in 2021.


The series of Cambridge IELTS official questions is regarded as the weather vane to guide the IELTS test, and it is also a necessary book for IELTS candidates to prepare for the exam. The correctness, international and scientific nature of the test questions are the strong backing for IELTS candidates to prepare for the exam, and each update of the test questions also represents the latest trend of the IELTS test.



As the official long-term partner of IELTS, New Oriental online has been recognized by IELTS test organizers many times. In March 2021, New Oriental online won the "IELTS partner Project Gold partner" award for years of deep cultivation of IELTS test achievements and active cooperation with IELTS officials, and was awarded this honor again after winning the award in 2020.

For the IELTS test, New Oriental online has signed an exclusive strategic cooperation agreement with Cambridge University Institute of Accreditation and Cambridge University Press since 2020. In the next 6 years, it has the exclusive right to use the electronic version of Cambridge IELTS Collection 5 to Cambridge IELTS 20 (including academic and training) in China. New Oriental online uses this licensed content for various forms of application, including all kinds of online exercises, mobile applications, WeChat Mini Programs, online courses, online IELTS model test, etc.

In addition to the content and products, New Oriental online insists on strictly selecting its teachers to create a higher quality teaching system and courses. At present, for the IELTS test, New Oriental online has established an excellent teaching team, and can provide new upgraded recording courses, live courses, one-to-one courses, 6-person VIP small classes and other courses to meet the needs of candidates of different basic and age groups.

In the future, New Oriental online will continue to devote itself to teaching and bring quality teaching products and services for more students.

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