

Read the Huawei Global Analyst Conference in one article: US sanctions against Huawei are the main reason for the global lack of power

騰訊科技 ·  Apr 12, 2021 19:13  · Trending

On April 12, Huawei held a global analyst conference. Xu Zhijun, the rotating chairman of Huawei, delivered a speech with the theme of "Flying across the clouds is still calm". Xu Zhijun said that Huawei has formulated five future development strategies.

In an interview, Xu Zhijun also responded to many topics of concern to the outside world. On the rumors that Huawei is building cars, Xu Zhijun said that Huawei is positioned as an incremental parts supplier and will not build cars to help car companies build good cars. "Yu Chengdong has recently been trying to help car companies sell good cars. "

Talking about the Future Strategy: increasing Software capability and Intelligent car Investment

Xu Zhijun said on Huawei's next strategic move that it will optimize the industrial mix, especially to enhance software capabilities, strengthen investment in weakly related industries with advanced technology and investment in smart auto parts industry.

This is the first of Huawei's five key strategic measures in the future. the other four include: promoting the full play of the value of 5G, defining 5.5G, driving the continuous evolution of 5G, and creating a user-centered seamless intelligent experience in the whole scene; reduce energy consumption through technological innovation, achieve a low-carbon society and strive to solve supply continuity.

Last week, Huawei released internal documents in which Xu Zhijun was appointed chairman (and concurrently) of Huawei Cloud, personally headed by Xu Zhijun, one of Huawei's three rotating chairmen, which illustrates Huawei's strategic position. it is also an important move for Huawei to emphasize strengthening its software capabilities.

In this regard, Xu Zhijun said that the recent continuous architecture adjustment of the cloud business also revolves around the improvement of software capabilities, because the cloud is also software.

Xu Zhijun stressed that after a challenging year last year, this year is a year in which Huawei's strategy is becoming clearer. "We strive to improve software capabilities to a higher level in five years, in order to resist the impact of external chip gaps, and ultimately increase the share of software services revenue. "

Talking about "car-building": working together with three major automobile companies to create three sub-brands

Xu Zhijun said on the topic of "building cars" that Huawei's answer is not to build cars, but only to be an automobile supplier, using ICT capabilities to empower the auto industry.

"I can understand everyone's feelings. Huawei should build cars. Huawei has brands and capabilities. Why not build them? XIAOMI has built a car. "said Xu Zhijun. "but I tell you that Huawei's decision has been discussed for many years. "

'in the past few years, I have had in-depth exchanges with the chairmen of all automakers and learned that the auto industry needs ICT technology more and Huawei's ability to build cars of the future in ICT,'he added. "so in 2018 we decided not to build cars, but only to empower the auto industry, and that decision will not change until now. "

At the same time, Huawei has also launched in-depth cooperation with automakers. Huawei said cars based on Huawei's ICT capabilities will be launched in the fourth quarter of this year.

'We will work with automotive partners to empower cars and build cars together, 'Mr. Xu said. At present, there are mainly three under way, BAIC, Chongqing Changan and Guangzhou Auto, but there will not be many in the future.

Xu Zhijun said that at present, the smart car business is Huawei's most fully functional BU except the consumer business. "at present, we have invested US $1 billion in this business, and even if we do not do the foreign market, the average income per car per year is 10, 000 yuan, which is enough for us. Of course, Huawei focuses on the whole world in any industry, not just in the Chinese market. "

On US sanctions against Huawei: the US sanctions against Huawei is the main reason for the shortage of global semiconductor supply

Xu Zhijun said that in the past two years, the United States has imposed three rounds of sanctions on Huawei, which has done great harm to Huawei and caused panic stockpiling by global companies. Many enterprises used to have zero inventory, but now they have to prepare goods for a month or even months. Us sanctions against Huawei are the main reason for the tight global supply of semiconductors.

He stressed that to bring the entire semiconductor industry back to normal business order, the fundamental answer is to rebuild global trust and restore cooperation in the global semiconductor industry chain. The world is still in a complex and turbulent environment, and the recurrence of epidemics and geopolitical uncertainty will be a regular challenge for every country, enterprise and organization. Huawei firmly believes that the innovation of digital technology can bring new solutions to the new problems facing human society.

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