
美股异动 | 搜狐(SOHU.US)盘前涨超13%,传腾讯(00700)收购搜狗(SOGO.US)交易将获批

Us stocks change | Sohu (SOHU.US) rose more than 13% before trading. It is said that Tencent's (00700) acquisition of Sogou (SOGO.US) will be approved.

智通財經 ·  Apr 9, 2021 20:16

Sohu (SOHU.US) rose 13.58% to $18.9 as of 20:16 Beijing time, while Sogou (SOGO.US) rose 5.72% to $8.69 before Friday, Zhitong Financial APP learned. China's antitrust regulator is preparing to approve Tencent's (00700) plan to privatize Sogou: the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration does not object to Tencent's $3.5 billion acquisition of the remaining 60 per cent of Sogou, according to relevant media reports. Tencent must agree to establish a special mechanism to ensure data security.

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