
半导体日报|兆易创新、晶方科技遭大基金减持 TCL定增募资120亿元

Semiconductor Daily | Zhaoyi Innovation and Jingfang Technology have been reduced by large funds and raised 12 billion yuan by TCL.

新浪財經 ·  Apr 9, 2021 19:36

  [industry Trends]

  Zhaoyi Innovation: the big fund reduced its stake by about 1% and cashed out 913 million yuan.

Zhaoyi Innovation (603986.SH) issued a progress announcement on the reduction of shares by concentrated bidding by shareholders, and the National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Big Fund") reduced its holdings of 4.7159 million shares of the company, accounting for about 1% of the company's total share capital. Cash out 913 million yuan.

  SMIC (00981) issued a total of 718400 shares upon exercise of share options

SMIC announced that from 1 April to 9 April 2021, non-directors issued a total of 99200 shares as a result of the share options granted under the 2004 share option Scheme, which was adopted on 10 March 2004.

From 1 April to 9 April 2021, a total of 619200 shares were issued by non-directors of the Company as a result of the share options granted under the 2014 share option Scheme, which was adopted on 13 June 2013.

  Jingfang Technology: the cumulative reduction of 1.8919 million shares held by large funds will be reduced to 7.44%.

The National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund has reduced its holdings by 1.8919 million shares from March 2 to April 8, superimposing the previous passive dilution of equity, and the proportion of shares held in listed companies will drop from 8.44% to 7.44%.

  Xiaocheng Science and Technology made a profit of 400000-600000 yuan in the first quarter compared with the same period last year.

It is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in the first quarter of 2021 is 400000-600000 yuan, compared with a loss of 2.1868 million yuan in the same period last year. Some of the company's overseas projects are settled in local currencies, and exchange losses are reduced as a result of exchange rate changes compared with the same period last year. The impact of non-recurrent profit and loss on net profit in the current period is expected to be about 70, 000 yuan, while the impact of non-recurrent profit and loss on net profit in the same period last year is 107700 yuan.

  The net profit of Jetty Micro Power in the first quarter is expected to increase by 125% MUE 145%.

According to 300623.SZ, the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in the first quarter of 2021 is expected to be 94.0905 million yuan to 102.4541 million yuan, up 125% from the same period last year.

  Wheelun Crystal (300460.SZ) shareholder Hong Kong Tongying has not reduced its shares in the company at the expiration of the plan.

As of April 8, 2021, the term of the Hong Kong Tongying reduction plan has expired, during which time Hong Kong Tongying has not reduced its stake in the company.

  TCL Technology: plan to raise no more than 12 billion yuan

TCL science and technology announcement, proposed to raise no more than 12 billion yuan, after deducting issuance costs will be used for the "8.6 generation oxide semiconductor new display device production line project" and supplementary liquidity.

  [Securities firms look at the market]

  New era Securities Qianglei recommends Weir shares: 2021Q1 grows sharply, CIS continues to benefit from multi-track outbreaks

As the leader of domestic CIS, the technical level of the company has entered the first echelon in the world. Under the general trend of multi-shooting of mobile phone + HD, the market share of mobile phone CIS is expected to increase. In addition, it is rapidly distributed in automotive, security, VRAR, medical and other fields to achieve high coordination, multi-track, joint development in various fields, and CIS shipments are expected to continue to release volume in the future.

It is estimated that the company's income from 2020 to 2022 is 195,279 and 35 billion yuan respectively, and the return net profit is 27.05,41 and 5.251 billion yuan respectively, and the corresponding PE on April 7, 2021 is 91.8,60.6,47.3 times respectively, maintaining the "highly recommended" rating.

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