
因认股权获行使 中芯国际(00981)合计发行71.84万股

SMIC (00981) issued a total of 718400 shares upon exercise of share options

智通財經 ·  Apr 9, 2021 18:54

Zhitong Financial App News, SMIC (00981) announced that from April 1 to April 9, 2021, non-directors issued a total of 99200 shares due to the share options granted under the 2004 share option Scheme (adopted on March 10, 2021).

From 1 April to 9 April 2021, a total of 619200 shares were issued by non-directors of the Company as a result of the share options granted under the 2014 share option Scheme, which was adopted on 13 June 2013.

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