

It is reported that byte beat is developing an independent Douyin e-commerce App.

即市頭條 ·  Apr 9, 2021 11:24

Domestic media quoted sources as saying that Douyin under byte beat is developing an independent e-commerce App,. It is said that Douyin e-commerce management does not want to over-attach e-commerce business to Douyin and plans to explore and expand outside with Douyin App as the basis of e-commerce business.

Sources said that the App, which is under development by the Shanghai Douyin e-commerce team, is not completely copied from Douyin's e-commerce business, and will then be drained through Douyin and Jinri Toutiao byte series App to become a comprehensive e-commerce platform, targeting leading products such as 09988.HK Taobao or Tmall.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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