
物业潜力榜:银城生活服务、中奥到家倒数 碧桂园服务还能扩大一倍

Property potential list: silver City life service, China Olympic penultimate country Garden service can also be doubled.

新浪財經 ·  Apr 8, 2021 18:09

As of April 1, except for Nandu property and special service, 42 A + H45 property stocks have officially issued the 2020 performance announcement. (unaudited performance of Xinyuan service)

According to the Wind data and company announcement, 37 companies have disclosed the contract area, with an average contract area of 144.65 million square meters. The contract area is the area that the property management company has signed the contract, including the area already in management and the reserve area that has not generated income, which is equivalent to determining the income generated in the future, so the property stocks are more predictable and deterministic. From the ratio of reserve area to current management area, we can also estimate its growth potential.

At present, the reserve area calculated in terms of contract-managed area, country Garden service is the highest, reaching 443.2 million square meters, with a reserve rate of 1.17, which is equivalent to being able to recreate a country Garden service. Secondly, the reserve rate of Greentown Service, Zhengrong Service, Xingsheng Commercial and Xincheng Yue Service all exceeded 1.

It is worth mentioning that the larger the base of the tube, the more difficult it is to increase the reserve rate. For example, Poly property reserve rate is only 0.49, color life reserve rate is 0.59, Shimao service reserve rate is 0.38.

By the end of 2020, the lowest reserve rate is Yincheng Life Service only 0.09, with a reserve area of 3.63 million square meters. The second is the China-Austria reserve rate of 0.1, with a reserve area of 6.4 million square meters.

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