
期权异动 | 4月5日期权大单一览

Options Changes | List of Equities as of April 5

富途資訊 ·  Apr 6, 2021 21:16  · Exclusive


Us Stock Intelligence Agent | Eli, Mia

This article summarizes the latest large order changes in the option market for you.

By monitoring these market data, investors can use this often neglected information and formulate investment strategies.

  • On Monday, institutional trend players piled into the bullish side of large-cap technology stocks, and short-term sentiment soared for a time, including$Anaplan, Inc. (PLAN.US) $There has been a more radical bullish order, with the exercise date concentrated in August.

  • Although market sentiment rises in the short term, there will also be lagging stocks in such a market that will attract the attention of revolving capitals. there is a sharp contrast between technology concepts with strong kinetic energy and energy stocks that continue to cool down. So at present, the attention of Sister Hua's team will still be on the side of individual stocks, even if the market is in the process of rising and falling in the short term, the momentum of individual stocks and the layout of institutions are still likely to continue.


The trend of net positions of hedging institutions against futures index corresponds to SPY source: sentimentrader


Source of exposure of hedging institutions to VIX futures: sentimentrader


Gamma exposure trend corresponds to SPY Source: sentimentrader

  • Gamma exposure continues to rise, and there is still some room for high positions in the current stage.

Market ETF options change on April 5th

Monday's options market volume reached 3440 contracts, 11% lower than the previous average, of which the subscription volume was slightly higher than the sell volume (9:5). The volume of individual stocks and futures index products is relatively high, while the flow of ETF is moderate.




Changes in individual stock options in various sectors on April 5

The most active plates includeBasic materials, technology and public utilities and medical careAnd industrial plateTrading volume is relatively calm. Of the 3896 stocks with only listed options, 2396 (61 per cent) closed up and 1405 (36 per cent) closed down. Among the 500 stocks with the highest liquidity, 341 have higher implied volatility and 115 have lower implied volatility on the 30th. The stocks that have detected transaction changes include:$Microsoft Corp (MSFT.US) $, $GAP (GPS.US) $, $Cameco Corp. (CCJ.US) $, $Alphabet Inc-CL A (GOOGL.US) $, $Applied Materials Inc (AMAT.US) $等。

Science and technology stock


Industrial stock


Periodic consumption


Financial stocks


Communications Unit


Medical and Health Unit


Energy stocks


Real estate stock


Building Materials Unit


Defensive consumer stock



The option tool is flexible and easy to use, and it is considered to be the most perfect trading tool in the financial market so far. small funds can quickly accumulate wealth through accurate judgment using non-linear leverage. large funds can achieve stable returns through the comprehensive application of multiple strategies across bull-bear and shock markets. But we also need to see the buyer's risk of options (ordinary investors are careful to be sellers of options, with limited returns and unlimited losses):

1. Nonlinear huge leverage will suffer huge losses if it is faced with going in the wrong direction.

2. Volatility drops, and the other side may lose money.

3. The state of mind is easy to be out of balance with big fluctuations.

4. Time is the enemy of option buyer.

5. Stock thinking is serious. Stock thinking is just want to do long, will not short, fall more want to bottom, trap, ignore and so on rebound, and even some people add positions to lower costs, the result is deeper and deeper to zero. If you don't change your mind, it's dangerous to make options.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

The above content is for informational or educational purposes only and does not constitute any investment advice related to Futu. Although we strive to ensure the truthfulness, accuracy, and originality of all such content, we cannot guarantee it.
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