
瑞慈医疗(01526)2020年股东应占亏损为787.6万元 同比减少88.61%

Ruici Medical (01526) the loss attributable to shareholders in 2020 was 7.876 million yuan, down 88.61% from the same period last year.

智通財經 ·  Mar 31, 2021 00:23

Zitong Financial App News, Ruici Medical (01526) announced its 2020 results, with revenue of 1.925 billion yuan, an increase of 11.5% over the same period last year. The gross profit is about 581 million yuan, an increase of 20.0% over the same period last year. The loss attributable to the owners of the company was 7.876 million yuan, a decrease of 88.61% compared with the same period last year.

The announcement said that this is mainly due to the company's revenue growth in different sectors this year, resulting in a narrowing of the loss.

As of December 31, 2020, the group has 61 medical examination centers nationwide (59 in 2019), an increase of 3.4% over last year, of which 57 have been put into operation (51 in 2019), an increase of 11.8% over last year, covering 28 cities. the national layout is mainly concentrated in first-tier, new first-tier and second-tier cities.

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