

Hot Coin Technology (01611.HK) changed its trading unit to 500 shares.

格隆滙 ·  Mar 29, 2021 19:41

On March 29, 01611.HK announced that with effect from 09:00 on April 23, 2021, each trading unit of the common shares in the share capital of the company traded on the main board of the Stock Exchange will be changed from 2000 shares to 500shares.

Shares are currently traded in units of 2000 shares each. The Board expects that the reduction in the number of units per lot will reduce the value of units per lot and enhance the attractiveness of shares to investors, which may enhance the liquidity of shares and broaden the company's shareholder base. After the change takes effect, the shares will be traded on the basis of the trading unit of 500 shares per lot.

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