
牛牛圈神评论 | 若不是你突然闯进我生活,月底我至少还剩两百多

Niu Niu Quanshen Review | Had it not been for you to suddenly break into my life, I would have at least 200 left at the end of the month

富途資訊 ·  Mar 23, 2021 19:16

Editor / Futu Information Anthea


Since ancient times, cattle circle out of talent, change the dog to take a look at the elegant demeanor of cattle friends ~ Let's take a look at today's bullpen what god comments!

Did you run away?

At nine o'clock this morning, Weibo Corp of a certain meter CEO let the cattle friends fry the pot again: "Did you run away?


I don't know how many cattle friends are like abnormal dogs, who look stunned when they see Weibo Corp. Early in the morning, did Mr. Lei begin to promote a healthy life?


Especially when Gouzi opened the video and saw these two words, he was even more confused: "No, I suggest we all go for a run!


But after today's critical strike of a certain meter, Gouzi finally understood what Mr. Lei meant and said nothing, pictured above.


This market situation makes this cow friend can't help but ask if everyone is all right? : "Are you ok? Are you ok?"Gouzi could not help singing and could not help responding:Thank you very much, but I'm not OK.


Gouzi looked at the slide and tasted the advice of another cow friend.Recalling General Lei's "suggestion", tears flowed in hindsight. "I suggest everyone go for a run. "Oh, the dog finally gets it, do you guys get it?


Weibo Corp, the boss of Lei, has also aroused a lot of splash in the past two days, and the stock price has also followed its ups and downs. There are cattle friends who are very helpless. "Definitely here to make trouble."the cow friend realized.


There are also cattle friends who said, "It's time to show this picture.", a certain meter"Not only playing with monkeys, but also playing tricks.”。


Gouzi tasted this picture in detail.As if to see the life and struggle of the dog Ben dog.


And Niu you helped everyone to re-understand Lei Boss's Weibo Corp.It was only then that he finally understood General Lei's good intentions-to take the lead in running away.


Sure enough, in the end, Gouzi still didn't understand Mr. Lei's word game.Zero reading comprehension is definitely one of the key reasons for Gouzi's poverty.

It's all bubbles, just a flash of fireworks.

$Pop Mart International (09992.HK) $Share prices continued to fall today, closing down more than 12%.


It is worth noting that Pop Mart International has fallen nearly 21% this week, which can be said to be two consecutive critical attacks, many cattle friends were directly stunned, and the comment area was filled with an atmosphere of sadness.


Some netizens revealed the truth in one word: "The main reason for the decline is that the name is not good, bubble, how can not fall?


The cow friend couldn't help singing: "It's all bubbles, just a flash of fireworks.


Today, e-cigarette concept stocks have also suffered a big setback. No, one Niu friend asked bewildered: "Excuse me, is this an e-cigarette company?


Another friend of the cow asked: "Is your doll poisoned by e-cigarette? Why is it falling?"Gouzi looked at the stock price and found that there was indeed something above it. It is everyone's responsibility to forbid minors to smoke e-cigarettes and care for dolls.


The cow friend cried: "If you hadn't burst into my life, I would have at least more than 200 at the end of the month.”。


The dog's tearful eyes are so realIf Gouzi hadn't stepped into the stock market, he wouldn't have drunk the northwest wind every day! Now Gouzi can only work every day to hedge, like this little brother Meituan prays to turn over.


By contrast, one Niu friend is very optimistic: "Investors who have come out of Baba's military training are not called falling so little."Gouzi looked at the floating loss and recalled it again.$BABA-SW (09988.HK) $Recent trendsIs this from one pit to another?


Well, it was adapted by the Niu friend that the abnormal dog saw yesterday."the buyer, the champion of the goods."What do you mean by popularizing science very well? "Baba shareholder”:

The original song: "the lovelorn King", composed by Chen Xiaochun: people who bought Baba arranged: people who bought Baba want to jump off a building

Change the word: the lead singer who bought Baba Bear to buy a house: Zhongba people

It is said on the Internet that Baba is about to snow and I hum.

Is it cold enough to buy heavy goods in a high position? I actually got more cold than you.

It falls at two o'clock every day. No wonder the sweat caresses me like the wind.

I won't sell goods. I don't even have too many all in.

If you want to sit down with me and set it on fire

All the shareholders can't help asking me what it feels like to buy goods in a high position.

Who knows I'm sitting on the roof?

Keep falling. I'll keep buying.

You know I'm crazy. BABA is soaring.

* I am a buyer.

How could the champion of goods make out with that charcoal?

Burning ash and I can't match each other to buy goods is a real man.

People who buy Baba sit on goods that stimulate endurance and can withstand zero temperature.

I'm the one who can sit at a lower temperature. How can you look at me? *

After carefully tasting the lyrics, Gouzi finally understood what the cow friend said, "investors from Baba's military training."Who can understand the sadness of "Baba shareholders"?It is true that only Baba shareholders can calm down at this time.

These are the comments of Niu Youshen discovered by the abnormal Dog today.What other interesting comments do you see? welcome.@ abnormal dogContributionThe abnormal dog has a humble status, there are no points and gifts, but he has a heart that loves cattle friends.

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