
迪士尼+推出后仅16个月 全球订阅用户突破1亿大关

Just 16 months after the launch of Disney+, the number of subscribers worldwide surpassed the 100 million mark

新浪財經 ·  Mar 10, 2021 03:33

DisneyCEO Bob Chapek revealed on Tuesday that just 16 months after the launch of the company's streaming service “Disney+,” its global subscribers surpassed the 100 million milestone.

“Disney+ has been a huge success, and the service now has over 100 million users has inspired us to be more ambitious and invest more in developing high-quality content,” Chapek said in a statement.

Since its launch, Disney+ has released a number of popular TV shows, including two seasons of “The Mandalorian (The Mandalorian)” and its first Marvel TV series “WandaVision (WandaVision)”. These two hit series have further boosted Disney+ user registration.

Since its launch in November 2019, Disney+'s subscribers have grown rapidly. The service had 10 million registered users on the first day it was launched. By the end of the first quarter of last year, the service had 26.5 million subscribers.

In November of last year, Disney+ achieved its target of reaching 60 million to 90 million users in 2024 ahead of schedule. Disney now expects the number of Disney+ subscribers to reach 230 million to 260 million by 2024.

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