
牛牛圈神评论 | 别人恐惧我加仓,别人小亏我破产

Niu Niu Quanshen Review | Others are afraid that I will increase my position, others will lose little money and I will go bankrupt

富途資訊 ·  Mar 8, 2021 19:50

Editor / Futu Information Anthea


Since ancient times, cattle circle out of talent, change the dog to take a look at the elegant demeanor of cattle friends ~ Let's take a look at today's bullpen what god comments!

"it's too late to lose money."

$Tencent (00700.HK) $Today, it opened high and closed low, closing down more than 5%.


The cow friend said with emotion: "If you lose money, you may be late, but you will never be absent."the dog had tears in his eyes. In Gouzi, not only did he not miss the loss of money, but he arrived a little early.


Another friend of the cow said: "Just let everything go with the wind."it can be said to be very open-minded. But the wind is blowing from the northwest, which makes the dog's face hot!


Gouzi suddenly thought there was something strange about the matching picture, so he clicked on the big picture to have a look."value"? "Rose of time"? Mm-hmm. He is a cow friend with a story!


And Niu Yo sang a song:

The falling market has never been in love.

My hometown is far away, chasing my dreams and thoughts; continue to miss you, but it is so long

I never thought that the transaction was on both sides; if you mention me, I also need to know how to be unrestrained.

In the past, they went the same way every day and did not know how to cherish the bull market; some blue chips were alone, but they regretted wasting their time in a high position.

Where is your low position? I have a bullet that hasn't been boring; how to go up and shout with my friends?

If the rising intention does not respond, the falling market has nothing to do with me; I still have no money at the end of the month, so it is difficult for me to close the position.


Niu friends are all talented people. I admire and admire the dog.

"back to the beginning."

$XIAOMI Group-W (01810.HK) $Today, it opened low and left low, down more than 8%.


XIAOMI's trend made the cow friend cannot help complaining: "Hometown-- back to the original starting point”,I sat blankly in front of the computer and silently closed my eyes on the market.The dog couldn't help singing along.


The cow friend sent a picture.As soon as Gouzi looked at this green face, my dear, it can be said that this cow friend's position is exactly the same as that of a dog!


And the cow friend said sadly, "I treated XIAOMI like my first love, XIAOMI turned a blind eye to me!”。


I'm sorry to all of you. It was I who bought it at the top of the mountain and then plummeted.The cow friend apologized and said that the dog suddenly realized that the weather vane of the stock market has appeared again!


This also reminds Gouzi of the contributions made by his friends who commented on God last time: "You let me guess when it will go up. I won't! But it's really smart that I fall as soon as I buy it! So I screamed and bought a disc!


So, today,$ Group-SW (09618.HK) $$Meituan-W (03690.HK) $It also plummeted, and the cow friend complained: "Are you and and Meituan paying homage to each other? are your three brothers taking turns?"Gouzi looked at the market chart.These three should not only pay homage, but also be friends of life and death!


"A loss at the end of the year."

$Meituan-W (03690.HK) $Today, it opened high and left low, closing down more than 8%.


A cow friend hung out a couplet and made Gouzi laugh. He smiled and burst into tears. The couplet reads:

Shanglian: year-to-year loss

Next couplet: stop the condom year after year

Horizontal criticism: outrageous


The cow friend also said sadly: "What is left, only two frozen tears.


This cow friend, is it possible that a camera has been installed in Gouzi!The dog is now what the following cow friend looks like in the picture:Before receiving the plate, he was confident, and he was complacent, and cried loudly after receiving the offer.


There are also cattle friends who let everyone guess: "People are afraid of me?"in the comments, there was a reply from Niu friend immediately:"More scared.”。

That's the right answer, isn't it?I fear that others are greedy, others fear me to increase their positions, and I go bankrupt at the expense of others?


The cow friend began to pray to God and worship the Buddha.Gouzi looked at the huge incense, sincerity has arrived, it depends on providence!


The more you fall, the more you fall, and sooner or later the car turns over. Donor, the world is so big, don't do anything stupid."well, the cow friend advised,"I have no time to seriously speculate in the stock market, when I understand it, I can only choose to lose money seriously!


Gouzi clicked on the big picture and took a look at the vicissitudes of life in his eyes, which is really full of remorse. Cattle friends, take a warning!


"I remember when I was young, you and I grew up together."

$Tesla, Inc. (TSLA.US) $It fell more than 3% in the last trading day and continued to decline before trading today.


A cow friend recalled the past and felt sad: "I remember when I was young, you and I grew up together. Goodbye, the girl of my dreams."the abnormal dog froze, how much he has been hurt!


The cow friend sent a picture:When you hit bottom, but the market continues to fall.Look at this ferocious expression, very much like the dog experiencing excitement, it is real and vivid.


There are also cattle friends who showWhat it looks like a few months after you start trading ignorantly.Gouzi looked at this Harley into a little sheep, this cow friend, why don't we pick up the books again?


However, the cow friend said calmly: "It's not a problem!"Gouzi admires, the fire goes on and on behind him, but I am still calm, it is really a very high realm!


Finally, let Gouzi end this sad day with today's newly learned nouns. "Leek post-zero-post-90s investors whose dream of being a millionaire was shattered because of the collapse of funds.


These are the comments of Niu Youshen discovered by the abnormal Dog today.What other interesting comments do you see? welcome.@ abnormal dogContributionThe abnormal dog has a humble status, there are no points and gifts, but he has a heart that loves cattle friends.

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