

Fidelity survey: 76% of married women are in charge of “financial power” at home

富途資訊 ·  Mar 8, 2021 18:41  · Discovery

Share a Fidelity survey of women around the world on the occasion of the Women's Day.

According to data, Fidelity International is an asset management company with a history of more than 50 years, with total assets of US $706.3 billion, serving clients including central banks, sovereign wealth funds, financial institutions and individual investors.

There are several highlights in this report:

Chinese women have considerable disposable funds, and their savings are 7% more than men, or about 563000 yuan, while men's savings are 526000 yuan. China is the only one of all the markets surveyed where women save more than men.

Seventy-three percent of Chinese women said they were actively making financial planning and investment decisions.

However, the epidemic has a greater negative financial impact on women, and the lack of investment knowledge and confidence is the main obstacle to their long-term wealth accumulation.

Among those with partners, 76 per cent of women said they were responsible for managing the family's finances, compared with 66 per cent of men.

Chinese women's depositsIt is 563000 yuan7% more than men

Of all the markets covered by Fidelity International, China is the only one where women have more deposits than men, according to Fidelity International's first global survey of women's investment and financial management. and 73% of Chinese women said they were actively making financial planning and investment decisions. However, compared with men, the epidemic has a greater negative financial impact on women, and the lack of investment knowledge and confidence is the main obstacle to their long-term wealth accumulation.

According to the survey, Chinese women have considerable disposable funds, and their savings are 7% more than men, or about 563000 yuan, while men's savings are 526000 yuan. China is the only one of all the markets surveyed where women save more than men.

Moreover, Chinese women also play a more leading role in family financial management. Among those with partners, 76 per cent of women said they were responsible for managing the family's finances, compared with 66 per cent of men.

Women's investment style is more conservative.

Although women have discretionary savings, men are relatively more likely to put investment into practice, according to the survey. The results show that the average amount of investment held by Chinese men is 6% higher than that of women. Men are also more likely to choose equity investments-45% of men own stocks or securities products, compared with 38% of female respondents.

In addition, 36% of female investors said they would adopt a conservative investment style and make avoiding losses a top priority. More men think they are confident in investing (42%), and 8% think they are enterprising investors who will mainly seek greater investment returns.


Source: Fidelity International

Investment by 30% of women affected by the epidemic has decreased

It can not be ignored that, affected by the epidemic, 29% of women said their personal income had declined, and 30% said their investment had also decreased. Sixty percent (61%) of working women said their work was affected by reduced working hours or wages during the epidemic, and some people needed temporary leave or even lost their jobs. A total of 28% of women felt that the epidemic had a significant negative impact on their career development.

Affected by the above multiple challenges, women often find it more difficult to achieve their important life and financial goals than men. Less than half (47 per cent) of female respondents thought they had sense of security financially, 43 per cent found it difficult to start saving for retirement, and only about 1/4 (27 per cent) thought they could enjoy retirement.

In terms of career, only 1/3 (34 per cent) of women thought they were successful, compared with 41 per cent of male respondents.


Source: Fidelity International

Edit: sabrina

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