
中金:首予蓝月亮集团(06993)“跑赢行业”评级 核心竞争优势被低估

智通財經 ·  Mar 3, 2021 11:40

The Zhitong Finance app learned that CICC released a research report that gave Blue Moon Group (06993) the first “outperform the industry” rating, with a target price of HK$20. It believes that the market has underestimated the company's core competitive advantage and broad room for growth as a leading brand in the Chinese home cleaning and care market.

CICC believes that Blue Moon's subsequent growth momentum is clear, including category expansion, pipeline expansion, and operational efficiency improvements, while its popular product development, merger and acquisition integration, and possible inclusion in Hong Kong stock exchanges are potential catalysts for its stock price. The company's earnings per share are expected to be 0.23/0.38/0.46 yuan in 2020-22, respectively, with a compound annual growth rate of 42.6%.

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